From Unplanned to Unstoppable:
A Journey of Faith, Redemption, and Hope in the Face of Teen Pregnancy

How an Unplanned Pregnancy Transformed One Family's Story into a Powerful Movement of Hope and Healing

Go with this mother of her teen daughter on a journey facing a unplanned pregnancy and the many valleys they all encounter on the way, the pain in those valleys and seeing scripture come alive before them as overcomers. Having a teen daughter pregnant at 15 is not what this mother planned for her, but then God took what was meant for destruction and turned it into far more that anyone could have fathomed. Living those John 10:10 moments will build your faith and your endurance as you read these encounters with a true living God. Then to see God use what Satan meant to destroy this family and turn it to the good of thousands of other mom’s and daughters and families, in this same position and save so many lives of unborn babies would bring the scripture of John 10:10 to life. It brought the opportunity to open 4 pregnancy centers and 1 mobile pregnancy center and serve thousands over 24 years. Finally, the opportunity to see the overturning of Roe v Wade in her lifetime and experiencing that when the voice of God says it will be…. It Will Be.

Estimated Book Release 2024

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